Resolution 2017… Keep it Geeky

  I make and sell geeky jewelry. Since a girl cannot live by ladies nights and cons alone, I  sell at a lot of local  craft fairs. These fairs are often sadly bereft of folks I call “the people.” Most fairgoers are your traditional soccer moms, who walk right by...

So…Now What? Let’s be Friendly

“Your scarf is very pretty!” “Why thank you!” My daughter has wandered again. I turned from my frozen pizza decision to see that she, in her Super Girl costume (because it’s Saturday and she’s five…), is delivering thankfully appropriate compliments to random...

Featured Super Heroine: Jennifer Gallinat

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to be a Super Heroine. I’m originally from Michigan and lived there for 27 years before moving to St. Louis.  I actually moved to St. Louis pretty much on a whim, and based – in a large part – from how Laurell K....

Geek Gift-Giving Guide 2016

‘Tis the season for gift-giving! With the number of sales, promotions, and emails from a variety at this time of year, there’s a lot of gift options for your geeky family and friends. That’s why we’ve pulled together a list of great gifts for...

Let Your Geek Flag Fly

I have never been shy about my fandoms or expressing my nerdiness. If you don’t know one geeky thing about me after we talk, I’m not sure you were listening. You might even know one of my geeky loves before I open my mouth because I tend to wear geeky tees and...