Find Your Activist Archetype


Archetypes are roles we see used repetitively in fiction. From oral storytelling to the modern blockbuster movie, archetypes of certain characters have reappeared throughout time. For our friends who play roleplaying games, you might see some familiar themes.

Find your activist archetype and see how you can take action.

Find Your Activist Archetype


Archetypes are roles we see used repetitively in fiction. From oral storytelling to the modern blockbuster movie, archetypes of certain characters have reappeared throughout time. For our friends who play roleplaying games, you might see some familiar themes.

Find your activist archetype and see how you can take action.

The Quiz

The Archetypes


Rangers are great at scouting ahead and supporting from behind. You create structure and organization that moves things forward. You are a natural project manager who doesn’t mind following up with people to help get things done. 


Tanks are on the front line of the fight, extroverted and social; often found on a picket line, door-to-door canvassing, or at a protest. You are tough and won’t say no to hard tasks.


Rogues can be found running the event, coordinating the event. They can be either introverted or extroverted. You tend to enjoy groups (like a guild) whether big or small in order to connect with people. You can blend in seamlessly in any situation.


Mages are researchers and overall knowledge seekers. You dive deep into subjects then write blog posts and share the facts. You believe that one well-timed spell can be incredibly effective so think about the best timing for sharing information. You’re unafraid of a social media battle with strangers.


Healers do best when taking direct action like organizing a food drive or creating content to support others in the fight. You often share self-care memes and fact-checked news stories.