Tank Archetype


Tanks are on the front line of the fight, extroverted and social; often found on a picket line, door-to-door canvassing, or at a protest. You are tough and won’t say no to hard tasks.

Tank Archetype


Tanks are on the front line of the fight, extroverted and social; often found on a picket line, door-to-door canvassing, or at a protest. You are tough and won’t say no to hard tasks.

Tanks in Fandom

Leslie Knope

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is a warrior for peace. She fights to end wars before they begin and looks for diplomacy as much as possible. 

Leslie Knope


Garnet tends to act on intuition instead of coming up with a plan first. She also has a fierce, competitive spirit.

Leslie Knope


Gamora has superhuman strength and is an elite combtant.

Leslie Knope


Okoye is a fiercely loyal protector who isn’t afraid to question her king while still defending him with her life.

Leslie Knope


She-Hulk is both a lawyer and a hero. She retains her intelligence and most of her emotional control while still being super strong.

Anti racist Tank Actions

Join a Protest

Of all the archetypes, you are most likely to be found at a protest or a picket-line. Protests are happening all over the globe right now. Follow your local Black Lives Matter chapter or local news channels to find out when and where to find the next protest. If you’re social media savvy, keep on top of upcoming events by following folks on Twitter.

Take Action After the Protest

Use your voice to contact elected officials directly, either by phone, personal email, mailed letter, or even Twitter. Protests get attention and calling your represenatives is a great follow-up. Look for organizations, like 5calls.org, with clear calls to action – they will tell you who you should contact and what you should say.